Hi, I'm Emma and I am here to remind you of your growth opportunities.
We begin to tell ourselves stories that create life's patterns. I am a savant at recognizing them in myself and others at this point. The more I trust my instinct, the more trouble we are all in.
Sometimes patterns are instigated through traumatic conditioning; sometimes, it is literally written in the stars and ingrained into our personalities to add some frustration to our life journey. Holding self-awareness when a pattern shows up is the first step to breaking the annoying cycle. It is also the most challenging, with mental rewiring being a close second. It takes 28 days to create new neural pathways in the brain, but it can take 28 weeks, months, or years to identify our negative patterns.
Growing up, I was always in my head dreaming up other places I would 'rather be' versus being presently happy. PATTERN. I think a lot of that comes from the seemingly grandiose dreams I had for myself, and when I was younger, I perceived particular social dynamics as superior to the other. Thinking about it now and in more recent life experiences that showed me many unfortunate truths also showed me my initial gut feelings were right. I should have listened to myself, not habitually taking others' suggestions as criticism that my square peg vibe was bad. PATTERN. I have regressed in a way to old habits that could be deemed egoic because I learned the lessons that made me see them as purposeful and okay. Rather than being in a state of yearning only to be disappointed or be around those I don't resonate with but can give to has become that instinctual approach to living I admire about myself now.

This notion of pattern identification can undoubtedly be positive, however. Referring to the blog, How to Market Compassion, sharing your lessons from either breaking or leveraging your patterns as your immersive content with your audience makes you a confident and warm authoritarian. Regarding your communication strategy, my examples above express the positive self-talk that keeps me on track with being present because I focus on my truth and not appeasement (for the most part.) I learned how to transmute my suffering and see value in every moment, planning these lessons for content.
From one of my professional patterns of planning and execution, I created and implemented The Minimalist Content Consistency Method with my own content for 2023. The intention is to instil:
ease of automation
certainty and clarity in the messaging
as an experiment to tweak over the 12 months.
The Minimalist Content Consistency Method has been designed to simplify your content creation. It brings your ideas to life and gives you a foundation to build upon: no frustration, procrastination, or excuses.
It is a 12-month strategy that proves its efficacy over one year, and you can review the methodology each quarter to see where you can evolve.
Also noted are the different types of content to be created to serve a broader audience. Those with impairments or different learning styles will appreciate that the same message is being delivered through audio, video, visual, and written content. Working with patterns for the content makes it easier to put this accessible content into effect.
I have created 3 pillars for The Method:
Nurture The New
Repetition Creates Monogamy
Cultivate Your Brand's Love Language
Nurture The New
Take the opportunity to reframe your perspective on things through the lens of your content. By creating it in advance and perhaps working on new platforms (to you), you can essentially "set it and forget it." If you have perfectionist tendencies or are hesitant about publicity, this will help you to improve those parameters you have set for yourself that are holding you back. Furthermore, by being brave and creating new things, you keep it fresh with your audience, and you will make new neural pathways in your brain. You can face adversity better by focusing on positive intentions and doing things to bring those forth.
Repetition Creates Monogamy
Take the opportunity to reframe your perspective on things through the lens of your content. By creating it in advance and perhaps working on new platforms (to you), you can essentially "set it and forget it." If you have perfectionist tendencies or are hesitant about publicity, this will help you to improve those parameters you have set for yourself that are holding you back. Furthermore, by being brave and creating new things, you keep it fresh with your audience, and you will make new neural pathways in your brain. You can face adversity better by focusing on positive intentions and doing things to bring those forth.
Cultivate Your Brand's Love Language
By creating your Brand Communication Strategy (templates included), you have your framework, allowing you to determine the content and consistency that works best for you and your business growth. This flow of content will present your brand's love language to your audience. By fusing yourself into your content as you see fit and creating it when you are motivated, you can also produce from a loving place, not one of burnout, frustration, hesitancy, etc.
So patterns determined and what we see in the world can be precious if we use the positive ones to our advantage. The Minimalist has been created from a series of patterns derived from my lessons to improve workflow and bring enjoyment back to content creation vs. burning out from over-saturation.
Check out my goods!
I'm not one for a salesy CTA, but here are the links to my services, digital products, and THE WHEEL. I hang out on Instagram and LinkedIn the most when it comes to socials if you'd like to connect!
The Capricorn issue of THE WHEEL is a great read to connect you to hard working, creative energy, from the grandpa planet of the zodiac, Cap's ruler, Saturn. Capricorn's earthy pragmatism will force you to focus on completing your goals.
*FUN FACT* I have my Neptune in Capricorn, residing in my 1st house with all my Sag placements, including Saturn. I am definitely a dreamer who has endurance to see things through to completion, even if it's a slower process that I would like!
For more on how this astrological archetype affects you, check out THE WHEEL!